Monday, May 30, 2005

Skype engineers were NOT telco specialists

This was the quote that Niklas Zennstrom, Skype CEO, made during VON Europe last week before an overflowing room of attendees. You can download his presentation. The statement is on slide 13, "Why Skype":

Outside-of-the-box technology - none of our engineers were telecom engineers – they just solved the problem

This should put VoIP in a whole different perspective for mainstream application developers.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

New Community Leader for Communications

I am happy to let you know that I was invited to become Community Leader for Communications.

This is a result on our collective progress with Mobicents.

It is an honor to take the offer from Doug Tait and share the role with Ranga and Emil.

To rejuvenate the community excitement on JAIN SLEE, I will kick-off the new season with a mini-talk at JavaOne on the Community Corner show floor. It will be on Wednesday, June 29 at 3pm PST. Join me if you can.

Parallel with that we started conversation with the top management of to scetch out a plan for accelerating the growth of the Communications Community.

It's a good day for JAIN SLEE...:)


JAIN/SLEE: EJB for Communications

Sven Haiges wrote a good introduction to JAIN SLEE. I would encourage follow up artcles exploring best practices for developing applications on SLEE. That in combination with the fully open source implemention at should lower the entry barrier for new developers.

JAIN/SLEE: EJB for Communications
— While the JAIN APIs still play only a minor role on Sun's Java Web site, the JAIN initiative is getting stronger. The JAIN technologies (Java APIs for Integrated Networks) have the potential to radically change the existing service architecture for communications service providers.