Thursday, October 17, 2002 embedded in the portal

OpenWiki has exactly the architecture which allows it to be plugged in the portal.
Each of its web pages can be served in a rich, presentation neutral XML format.
To make life even easier, OpenWiki conveniently provides XSLT stylesheets.
I have slightly modified the origninals to align them with the portal look and feel.
Some more work has to be done for the templates which handle editing a wiki page.
Thanks to Michael Cote for pointing out OpenWiki.
Stay tuned...

Wednesday, October 09, 2002

Amazon Functionality Syndication Demo Is Here

The initial portal demonstrating syndication of functionality is available.
Source code is also provided. I think its value is the simplicity.
Using Cocoon's powerful sitemap and refactoring Amazon's sample stylesheets
anyone can build a personalized in hours.
0 lines of programming language code (Java,PHP,Perl,Pyhon, etc.)!
Only styling (XSLT)!

Here is the demo:

Monday, October 07, 2002

Apache Axis 1.0 Released

Axis (previously known as Apache SOAP) has been in active development over a year.
It has finally reached a stable state which passes Sun's JAX-RPC and JAAS tests.
Although work remains to be done for full compiance with SOAP 1.2,
Java Web Services developers can now start working with something quite reliable.

See the article here:

Tuesday, October 01, 2002

Starting work on an functionality Syndication demo

Based on recent research and work in the Portal Syndication area,
I have decided to step up to the next challange.
I will be implementing a syndication demo which will allow anyone to embed search, navigation and purchase transactions within a web site,
by utilizing the Web Service Proxy component.
Check back in a week or so for more news.